Unlike many states, Arizona requires all claimants – contractors or subs – to file a pre-lien notice no later than 20 days commencing services. Any person who furnishes professional services shall have a lien on the building, structure or improvement whether the work was done at the instance of the owner or his agent. Contractors, engineers, and architects are considered agents for purposes of Arizona law. The potential claimant must give a “preliminary 20-day notice” prior to the recording of a
mechanic’s lien. The notice shall be given no later than 20 days after the claimant has first furnished professional services. A payment bond can be in lieu of a lien right. Arizona Revised Statutes Title 33, Chapter 7, Article 6.
Commercial Collection Topics
- Alaska A pre-lien notice is not required but recommended to make enforcement easier. A lien can be filed by any person...
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